Working from home and keeping it time-effective

A great deal of us will have found ourselves working from home for the past week and though some might see that as a positive, most of us will struggle to maintain the same efficiency that we would have in the office. You may be finding it difficult to concentrate with new distractions whether it be a needy pet, uncomfortable desk or even just low morale. It’s important to make sure that your morale is prioritised as this can have detrimental effect on your work and, more importantly, your mood.

Take regular breaks

It goes without saying that you should be taking regular breaks when you are working from home. It can be easy to fall into the trap of working through lunch to get things done, but in the long run this could make you suffer. Go and make a cup of coffee, check the news or just sit somewhere else for 10 minutes.

Set yourself daily to-do lists

Though this may seem obvious, what you plan to do in the workplace and when working from home can often be altered. You may choose to complete your tasks in a different order or perhaps some of your deadlines have become more pressing than others. It may be worthwhile to make yourself a list of tasks to complete for each day, allowing you to keep on top of your projects throughout the week.

Stay on top of small tasks

This may seem not too dissimilar from the above, however it can be very easy to forget about small tasks in times like these, which can eventually build up. Prioritise what you have to but don’t forget to make a note of smaller, less pressing tasks to avoid a bigger stress when you are faced with them all at once.

Make a phonecall to a friend or family member

A less work-related theme, but just as important. For those of us who are isolating by ourselves, it can be a very lonely time and so it can be helpful to reach out to someone for a quick conversation. Keeping sociable is great for morale and positivity and can really boost your productivity. You may even choose to talk to a colleague about your progress throughout the week to allow for a positive outlook on the working from home situation.


The most important thing is to stay positive. This situation is one that most of us will never have experienced before and it can be difficult to remain optimistic at times. As difficult as it can be, it is important to try and keep a positive mindset as it will help to make the situation a lot easier, particularly working from home. 

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