At some stage, every owner-managed business will face an irritating wait for payment from slow-paying debtors. Sometimes, this can cause significant cashflow issues, as the cash you've already earned can get locked up in unpaid invoices. By using a Recourse Invoice Factoring solution, we can help your business access working capital straight away.
With Recourse Invoice Factoring, Skipton Business Finance will fund your invoices for a pre-determined number of days past its due date.
Recourse Factoring means that your company must buy back any invoices that the Factoring company is unable to collect payment on. You are ultimately responsible for any non-payment.
The Benefits of Recourse Factoring
We pride ourselves in our flexibility and you can operate your business safe in the knowledge that our Recourse Invoice Factoring solution will be customised to how your business works and how your business then grows.
Unlike many banks and other finance providers, when you take out a financial solutions with Skipton Business Finance, you are set up with a dedicated Account Manager. Your dedicated account manager is on hand to answer any questions and will know your business inside and out. We understand that running a business is time consuming and you don’t have time to be held up in call centre queues, repeating the same security questions over and over. When you call us, you get through to your account manager – simple.