Top 5 Tips for Optimising Your LinkedIn Company Page

With more than 250 million members worldwide having signed up to the site, LinkedIn is becoming an increasingly important social media channel for a plethora of businesses, no matter how big or small they are or what industry they are in.

LinkedIn is a social media channel primarily for professional networking, which means it can work especially well for all, especially those in B2B industries where the likes of Facebook and Pinterest might not be so effective.

Able to provide a personal touch to your brand by associating employees with the businesses they work for, LinkedIn can be used to sell and generate leads by engaging your target market and ultimately turning them into customers through effective, thoughtful networking.

Read on for SBF’s top 5 tips optimisation tips for your LinkedIn company page:

Banner Image

When someone lands on your company profile page, the first thing that is likely to catch their eye is the banner image at the top.

Firstly, ensure you at least have something there to help bring your brand to life. However, we recommend you utilise this space to full effect and create something that will really engage with your audience and show off your brand in the best light.

TOP TIP: Make sure your LinkedIn banner is 646 x 200 pixels so it fits perfectly into the allotted space!

‘About’ Section

Although this section has been moved further down your company page, it is still very much recommended that you keep this section updated and keyword-focussed. This can help both engage your audience and also ensure that the copy is optimised well in the eyes of the search engines, helping your SEO efforts, and ensuring you can be found in LinkedIn searches.

Your Employees

Research has shown that the largest companies generally have the highest percentage of their employees signed up to LinkedIn and indicating they work for that company, suggesting that the big multinationals see the value in LinkedIn.

Employees are also a lot more likely to engage with your updates (through ‘liking’ and sharing them), therefore spreading your message to their own contacts and out into the wider LinkedIn community.

Your employees can really act as brand ambassadors through LinkedIn and increase the visibility of your page exponentially.

‘Product’ Recommendations

In a recent update, LinkedIn now allows users the chance to recommend the products you have listed and give you a social-media thumbs-up. These will appear highlighted on the right hand side of the products section of your company profile.

These recommendations can act as ‘social proof’ and be extremely valuable, as we are influenced by our peers.

Why not reach out to existing customers and clients for recommendations; asking is always the best way to get recommendations after all!

Regular Updates

This one is obvious, but it’s surprising the amount of companies that create a great LinkedIn page but forget to actually reach out and engage with their followers through updates. 50% of the top 10 brands in terms of recommendations are also in the top 10 by number of updates, highlighting how important updates are to communicating with your followers.

As is the same with any marketing message, ensure your updates are consistent and in line with the kind of updates your followers would find interesting and relevant to their interests.

You can also tailor updates and share them to specific demographics, such as directors or managers, so look to utilise this to get the right message out to the right people.

Knowledge for Small Business and Large Enterprises

At Skipton Business Finance, our invoice finance facilities, such as our UK-leading invoice factoring and invoice discounting solutions, grow in line with your business.

We are pioneers in not just providing invoice factoring and invoice discounting to businesses up and down the country, but also in helping our clients grow and become better.

That's why we have a dedicated section of our website that focuses on offering free knowledge on a range of topics that you may find helpful for your business.