Wiltshire-based security service business steps up to meet high demands brought on by COVID 19

SSGC Ltd, a security services business based in Swindon, has experienced a surge in growth due to COVID 19 forcing it to adapt to the new changes and meet the everchanging demand.

The coronavirus pandemic has led to a number of changes to UK businesses, with many having to adapt to the new changes brought on by the virus. SSGC, a business specialising in security, has experienced these changes first-hand. The business has experienced a huge surge in demand for its services, deploying approximately 600 employees to new roles over a three-week period.

Prior to the pandemic, SSGC employed 150 members of staff across the UK varying from an extensive range of experience. The business has since double its employees to 400 in order to meet the demand brought on by COVID 19.

David Stubbs, Managing Director at SSGC, said:

“The business has experienced a huge change as a result of COVID 19 but we are really pleased that we have been able to adapt to these changing circumstances,”

 “We hope that we can maintain this growth and the new relationships we have built.”

This sudden surge in demand meant that SSGC needed the extra financial support to cope with the rapid growth. Having had a successful relationship with invoice financier Skipton Business Finance since 2016, SSGC approached the funder to discuss additional funds to manage the new demand of increased staff numbers. The funding was made available to SSGC within 24 hours of the information being received.

Peter Flynn, Regional Director at Skipton Business Finance, said:

“We were able to provide a very substantial uplift in available funding for SSGC, which has allowed them to take advantage of increased trading levels brought about by COVID 19,”

“It is pleasing that we were able to reach a decision within 24 hours of having all the facts available to us” He added.

Mr Stubbs added: “We had been steadily growing over the years with Skipton alongside us but it would have been impossible for us to have managed this new growth without additional funding provided which has enabled us to take on new projects and manage the surge in staff numbers.”

The business is focused on continuing to manage the new demand and deliver a high standard of service to their customers, while developing the new relationships brought on throughout the pandemic.

SSGC have had an Invoice Factoring facility with Skipton Business Finance since 2016.



SSGC Ltd, based in Swindon provides security services to customers across the UK including security guarding and manpower technology services. They specialise in applying bespoke technology to their security solutions and providing experienced employees to every project.


Skipton Business Finance Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Skipton Group, is a factoring and invoice discounting company. Established in 2001, SBF provides financial products ranging from invoice factoring, invoice discounting, and its award winning My White Label solution. Skipton Business Finance is also an accredited lender of the Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme. It continues to be a UK-leading financier in the invoice finance market and is keen to maintain its position as a major, client-focused organisation in the UK. For more information about Skipton Business Finance, please visit: www.skiptonbf.co.uk.