Skipton Business Finance is proud to launch a new brand, aligning our strong values and ethos closer than ever to that of the Skipton Group.

What Made Us Change Our Brand?
The pandemic hit the commercial sector hard, with many businesses having to survive on a reduced turnover and, in some instances, close their door altogether. At the height of the pandemic, 20% of all SBF clients had zero turnover. Our approach was to provide much needed tangible support including gaining accreditation to offer the government backed loan schemes that proved to be a lifeline for many small businesses. Today the vast majority of our clients are back up and trading and, in some instances, turnover now exceeds pre-pandemic levels.
By staying true to our core values of helping to create wealth and employment, SBF was able to align perfectly with the Skipton Group’s primary purpose. However, we understand that attitudes post-pandemic are now changing with businesses looking for finance more focused than ever on key differentiators across the SME lending space.
These attitudes include the requirement for a lender that is more:
- Trustworthy
- Supportive
- Does the right thing
- Has strong environmental credentials
- Has a strong moral compass as well as the financial strength to support SME’s
Whilst this already exists in our repertoire and ethos, we feel that it needs to be further represented in our visual identity, so now is the right time to make a change. You can learn more in our brand new brand video.
What Does Being Part of the Skipton Group Really Mean to Skipton Business Finance and Our Clients?
As part of a proud mutual, our principle objective is to enable our clients to be successful. By providing the necessary working capital to facilitate growth, we in turn help our clients and the thousands of people they employ to save for their futures. It means that we're part of a culture and a journey that generations have trusted since 1853 when Skipton set out to help people own their own homes and save for their future. More than 160 years later, our collective purpose remains the same. If you would like to learn more about the Skipton Business Finance brand, go to our About Us page.
From our people, the environment and the communities we support, to our clients throughout the UK that we help achieve their full potential; by working together we're helping our clients to build a better future...