Optimistic signs about the UK’s labour market have emerged in the last few months, as more firms look to hire staff than let people go, according to the latest survey by recruitment firm Manpower.
The survey of more than 2,000 businesses indicated increased business confidence and more firms planning to begin recruitment campaigns, which had previously been delayed whilst the economy dallied.
The latest official statistics about unemployment levels in the UK are expected to show further rises in the amount of people out of a job, but Manpower’s UK managing director felt there were green shoots emerging. “It does feel like we're turning a corner when it comes to the jobs market.
“Businesses that were battening down the hatches in the last quarter appear to be considering taking on staff. We've noticed much more flexibility among employers, particularly in the market for permanent hiring”, he continued.
Businesses were more optimistic across the East Midlands and north-west England, whilst positive sentiment around the Olympics was said to have contributed to increased business confidence in London.